In order to keep your goldfish in the aquarium there are some precautionary measures. First of all, it is necessary to keep in view a balance of mineralized water. Water pH, hardness, temperature, minerals, light intensity everything should be kept in mind while setting up an aquarium for goldfish. Here first of all we will see how many waters are in choice and what is the best water from all to keep fish inside it! Also, see how can we make able water from different sources by little and easy changes in it to keep a goldfish fish inside it. So let's begin.

Parameters to make ideal water for goldfish.

Let's go and go through what kind of water is ideal for a goldfish regarding temperature, PH level, and water hardness.


The temperature of water in the aquarium should be kept between 68-74 Fahrenheit.

PH level

Ph level should be between 7.0-8.4

Water hardness

Water hardness is measured in GH (general hardness) should be between  200-400 PPM

How to keep water free from ammonia (toxins)?

The next most important thing is how to keep water free from toxins produced by goldfish waste. Although your aquarium looks clean but is it safe from ammonia? Goldfish produce a lot of waste. fish waste increase ammonia level in the tank which is highly toxic and can harm gills and damage the brain. Beneficial bacteria convert this waste (ammonia)  to less toxin nitrite and then nitrate. 

In wild, this is not a problem because fresh water lakes and ponds have armies of bacteria that break them down into leas toxic foam. Beneficial bacteria some times grow ultimately in tanks but it is difficult to make sure that only beneficial bacteria grew.  and sometimes should commercially buy cultured bacteria and then introduce it in the tank. 

Then before putting the fish in the tank first check the bacterial water level by water test. Even more level of beneficial bacteria too is harmful because bacteria poop up fish waste and produce their own waste in the same tank and if it is not sufficiently diluted it can kill your goldfish.

High nitrates level is also harmful to fish.

To reduce nitrates there are two methods.

1: Water change

2:Adding live plants in aquarium(to reduce nitrates)

lucky bamboo plant act as a biological filter.

A filter is introduced having bamboo plants.

This filter requires a continuous flow of water flowing through it.  

Can I use bottled water to keep my goldfish inside it?

The answer is yes but only when your bottled water is natural water. Filtered bottled water is generally treated to filter possible contaminants from it. and it keeps healthy minerals in it. 

But make sure that bottled water should not contain chemical additives such as chlorine and check the pH of bottled water. Distilled water is also not ideal for fish as it has removed all minerals. Adding remineralizing buffer can make water able to keep fish inside it.

Can I use tap water to keep my goldfish in it?

Yes, u can use tap water but first of all, it should be treated which a special water conditioner. Adding conditioner can also remove heavy metals from it like mercury, lead, and copper that are present in tap water.  

if u keep your fish without treating water then your fish will die. it will kill your fish because it has all the harmful chemicals that can kill a goldfish.

Untreated tap water how can damage my goldfish?

Untreated tap water is not natural because it contains all chemicals that make it safe for drinking purposes only. Although tap water is safe to drink it is not safe for a goldfish .here are some reasons. Chloramine and Chlorine Both are added to the public water system to stop the growth of bacteria that can make us sick. 

These bacteria are necessary to kill otherwise they can cause cholera (E-coli) Chlorine and chromium will damage their lungs and difficult to breathe More Read click Here.

Some problems of even treated tap water.

A problem with treated water as it removes all bacteria from the water. when water is chlorinated bacteria will not grow.  But you also should keep in mind that beneficial bacteria are needed in a tank for fish to thrive. If u keep adding untreated tap water in the tank it will kill beneficial bacterial colonies that grow in gravel and biological filter. These can be wiped out.

How to make tap water safe for goldfish?

Tap water can make it safe by adding water conditioner to it. The best water conditioner is API Stress Coat. This is the best conditioner because it contains aloe vera which reduces stress in fish and improves the immune system of fish. Reverse osmosis units are the choice of some people to remove everything from water through permeable membrane system to remove debris etc.